Salary Scale of Primary Education First Cycle (1-4), Primary Education/Second Cycle (5-8), General Secondary Education (9-10) & Preparatory (11-12) Schools Principals and Supervisors

Grade Type of School & Teachers' Job Titles      
 Primary Education First Cycle (1-4)  Special & Primary education  First Cycle (1-4) Teachers General Secondary (9-10) and Preparatory (11-12) BASE SALARY GRADE SALARY CEILING
S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9  
I Beginner Vice Principal 1719 1798 1881 1968 2058 2151 2249 2351 2458 2570 2686
II Vice Principal, Beginner Principal Beginner Vice Principal 1968 2058 2151 2249 2351 2458 2570 2686 2807 2934 3066
III Senior Vice Principal, Principal  Vice Principal, Associate Supervisor 2249 2351 2458 2570 2686 2807 2934 3066 3204 3348 3499
IV Lead Vice Principal, Senior Principal Senior Vice Principal, Principal ,  Supervisor Beginner Vice Principal 2570 2686 2807 2934 3066 3204 3348 3499 3656 3817 3985
V Lead  Principal Lead Vice Principal, Senior Principal, Senior Supervisor Vice Principal 2934 3066 3204 3348 3499 3656 3817 3985 4160 4343 4535
VI Lead  Principal Senior Vice Principal, Principal, Associate Supervisor 3348 3499 3656 3817 3985 4160 4343 4535 4734 4933 5135
VII Lead Vice Principal, Senior Principal, Supervisor 3817 3985 4160 4343 4535 4734 4933 5135 5340 5554 5776
VIII Senior Principal, Senior Supervisor 4343 4535 4734 4933 5135 5340 5554 5776 5998 6225 6460
IX Lead  Principal, Lead Supervisor 4933 5135 5340 5554 5776 5998 6225 6460 6704 6958 7218
