Μισθός Cillian Murphy

Γεννημένος/η: 1976, Cork, Ireland
  • Έτος: 9.332.502,00 €
  • Μήνας: 777.708,50 €
  • Εβδομάδα: 179.471,19 €
  • Ημέρα: 35.894,24 €
Cillian Murphy

From the moment you arrived on this page, Cillian Murphy has earned:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Ο Κίλιαν Μέρφι είναι Ιρλανδός ηθοποιός.

Wikipedia page about Κίλιαν Μέρφι

flickonclick.com December 2022: Cillian Murphy, who is playing the titular role of Physicist J Robert Oppenheimer, is charging US $10 Million as his fee for the movie. This is the biggest pay cheque for Cillian Murphy in his career so far

Fictional income is calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2019 from the 2020 net worth.

Net worth 2020: $ 20 million
Net worth 2019: $15 million


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2022-12
