Highest salary plumbers and pipe fitters at 25 years of experience: K3,650 to K16,430 per month

10 Sept 2023 - Plumbers and pipe fitters who have 15 years of experience in their job, will earn between K4,369 and K14,089 per month. This is the conclusion of research carried out by Mywage.org/Zambia, in 2023.

Salary for starting plumbers and pipe fitters between K3,170 and K7,037 per month

Based on our survey, employees with 25 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between K3,650 and K16,430 per month. Employees who are new to the job, will earn between K3,170 and K7,037 per month, based on one year of work experience.

Tell Mywage.org/Zambia about your work and income

Tell Mywage.org/Zambia about your work and income. Compare your wage using the Salary Check or fill out the Salary Survey for employees.
