66% applications programmers fewer than 5 years of experience

26 Nov 2023 - Applications programmers that have worked for 30 years, receive between K5,115 and K44,567 per month. After 30 years of work experience, people in this job earn a monthly wage that ranges from K5,115 to K44,567. This is the conclusion of research carried out by Mywage.org/Zambia, in 2023.

Highest salary for applications programmers with 25 years of experience: K6,362 to K44,792 per month

Workers in this occupation with 25 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between K6,362 and K44,792 per month. Employees who work for 30 years will receive a salary ranging from K5,115 to K44,567 per month.

Of the respondents, 20% are female and 80% are male. The age group for workers who answered the survey was mostly between 24 and 29 years of age. 60% of employees have 1 child or more.

On average, workers work 41 hours per week. Coverage by collective bargaining amongst workers is 2%, while 98% are not covered by a collective agreement, according to our survey.

66% of applications programmers fewer than 5 years of work experience

People in this job who do not have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, added up to 52% of respondents. People in this job who have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, add up to 48%. 66% of people in this job have worked fewer than 5 years since their first job. 45% of all participating people in this job work in a multinational organisation. Workers mostly work in organisations consisting of 500 or more people. For most employees, the majority of their coworkers are male.

In the survey, 8% of the employees choose 'highly satisfied' as their job satisfaction level. In general, most employees are in between satisfied and dissatisfied with their position. This is the case for 35% of the employees.

Wage dissatisfaction high among applications programmers

Among the workers, 23% reported they are in between satisfied and dissatisfied with their wage. 49% of the workers reports to be dissatisfied with their wage.

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Tell Mywage.org/Zambia about your work and income. Compare your wage using the Salary Check or fill out the Salary Survey for workers.
