Monthly wage experienced accounting associate professionals USh361,012 to USh19,686,133

9 Jun 2023 - Based on 15 years of work experience, accounting associate professionals will earn between USh455,853 and USh4,283,705 per month. This is the conclusion of research carried out by, in 2023.

Highest salary for accounting associate professionals with 30 years of experience: USh361,012 to USh19,686,133 per month

Based on our survey, workers in this occupation with 30 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between USh361,012 and USh19,686,133 per month. People in this job starting out on the job, with 1 year of experience, can expect to earn between USh2,794 and USh9,545 per hour.

Accounting associate professionals mostly male

Most employees are male, based on the survey results. Employees who answered the survey are mostly between 24 and 29 years of age. Of the employees who participated in the survey, 44% have no children.

Average working week of 42 hours

Coverage by collective bargaining amongst workers in this occupation is 3%, while 97% are not covered by a collective agreement, according to our survey. Employees work 42 hours per week on average.

40% of accounting associate professionals fewer than 5 years of work experience

Since starting their first job, 40% of employees have worked fewer than 5 years. 40% of employees state that they have a permanent contract for the work that they are doing. The majority of employees work in organisations of 500 or more employees. For most workers in this occupation, the majority of their coworkers are male. Of the participating workers in this occupation, 30% work in a multinational organisation. People in this job who do not have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, added up to 60% of respondents.

In the survey, 7% of the employees choose 'highly dissatisfied' as their job satisfaction level. In general, most workers in this occupation are satisfied with their position. This is the case for 36% of the workers in this occupation.

Of all surveyed employees, 26% feel dissatisfied about their salary. 28% of the workers in this occupation reports to be highly dissatisfied with their wage.

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