Salary Check

The Salary Check gives a free salary comparison based on job title, years of experience, and education. It provides accurate salary information for the Bahamas.


Salary Check FAQs

How is the data collected for the Salary Check?

The Salary Check gathers data submitted by people like yourself and filters this on the basis of factors like ‘Job Type’ and ‘Region’. This data helps in comparing your salary to others working in the same region and job position as you. We rely on the people who take our Salary Check to provide accurate answers. However, to improve its accuracy the Salary Check is also evaluated twice a year to check for abnormal or incorrect data so that individuals can correctly compare and calculate their wages. The Salary Check gathers data only from the country of the website you are using. The Salary Check data in this case is acquired from the Bahamas and is mostly accurate for each specific region of the country.

Why is the Salary Check's comparison of my salary to others inaccurate?

The Salary Check makes use of a database that contains information gathered through surveys from individuals like you. The accuracy of the web tool is entirely based on the responses provided by the general public. It is critical that everyone provides accurate answers or chooses the answer that is closest to the truth. If there is a mistake in salary comparison, it could be due to other people mistakenly inputting a higher salary in the Salary Check. To ensure optimum accuracy, we cross-check the database twice a year and eliminate conflicting data. 

Read more about the Salary Checker here
