Power production plant operators mostly male

6 May 2023 - Based on 20 years of work experience, power production plant operators will earn between €3,421 and €6,173 per month. This is the conclusion of research carried out by Mywage.org/Ireland, in 2023.

Salary for starting power production plant operators between €2,350 and €3,845 per month

Based on our survey, people in this job with 30 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between €3,648 and €6,530 per month. Workers in this occupation who are new to the job, will earn between €2,350 and €3,845 per month, based on one year of work experience.

Workers in this occupation who answered the survey are mostly between 40 and 49 years of age. 74% says they are male, while 26% entered female as their gender.

On average, workers in this occupation work 39 hours per week.

Coworkers mostly female

29% of workers in this occupation have worked 20-30 years since their first job. Workers in this occupation who do not have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, added up to 85% of respondents. 9% of all participating people in this job work in a multinational organisation. The majority of employees work in organisations of 500 or more employees. For most workers, the majority of their coworkers are female. People in this job who have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, add up to 15%.

Wage dissatisfaction high among power production plant operators

Of all surveyed workers in this occupation, 31% feel in between satisfied and dissatisfied about their salary. 38% of the workers in this occupation reports to be dissatisfied with their wage.

Contribute to Mywage.org/Ireland research

Tell Mywage.org/Ireland about your work and income. Compare your wage using the Salary Check or fill out the Salary Survey for people in this job.
