Job satisfaction high among tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers

25 Mar 2024 - Tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers who work for 5 years will receive a salary ranging from €1,931 to €3,014 per month. 29% of the respondents are female, 71% are male. This is the conclusion of research carried out by, in 2024.

Inexperienced tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers earn hourly wage between €11 and €18

Workers with 30 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between €2,248 and €4,231 per month. Workers in this occupation earn between €11 and €18 per hour at the start of the career, having 1 year of work experience.

Tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers mostly male

Most workers are male, based on the survey results. The age group for workers who answered the survey was mostly between 49 and 70 years of age.

People in this job work 40 hours per week on average.

26% of tobacco preparers and tobacco products makers 10-20 years of work experience

The majority of workers in this occupation work in organisations of 500 or more employees. Workers who do not have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, added up to 78% of respondents. For most workers, the majority of their coworkers are female. 22% of employees state that they have a permanent contract for the work that they are doing. 5% of all participating people in this job work in a multinational organisation. 26% of people in this job have worked 10-20 years since their first job.

Of all surveyed people in this job, 26% feel dissatisfied about their salary. Generally, 35% of the workers report they are in between satisfied and dissatisfied with their salary.

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