Highest salary client information workers at 30 years of experience: €2,406 to €4,048 per month

29 Apr 2024 - 10 years of experience earns client information workers a monthly salary between €1,978 and €3,175. Workers in this occupation get an hourly wage that ranges from €11 to €18 after working for 10 years. This is made clear in research by Mywage.org/Ireland, conducted in 2024.

Highest salary for client information workers with 30 years of experience: €2,406 to €4,048 per month

Workers with 30 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between €2,406 and €4,048 per month. Based on 10 years of work experience, employees will earn between €11 and €18 per hour.

The age group for people in this job who answered the survey was mostly between 49 and 70 years of age. Of the respondents, 83% are female and 17% are male.

Average working week of 39 hours

Workers work 39 hours per week on average.

31% of client information workers fewer than 5 years of work experience

Of the participating employees, 31% work in a multinational organisation. For most people in this job, the majority of their coworkers are female. 22% of people in this job state that they have no permanent contract for their job. Employees who have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, add up to 78%. Workers in this occupation mostly work in organisations consisting of 500 or more people. 31% of employees have worked fewer than 5 years since their first job.

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