Highest salary primary school teachers at 20 years of experience: $6,819 to $9,247 per month

29 Dec 2023 - Primary school teachers who work for 30 years will receive a salary ranging from $6,304 to $9,078 per month. Based on 30 years of work experience, workers in this occupation will earn between $6,304 and $9,078 per month. This research is presented by Mywage.org/Australia on the occasion of World Teachers' Day.

Highest salary for primary school teachers with 20 years of experience: $6,819 to $9,247 per month

Workers in this occupation with 20 years of work experience earn the highest salary: between $6,819 and $9,247 per month. People in this job who have 30 years of experience in their job, will earn between $6,304 and $9,078 per month.

Primary school teachers mostly female

People in this job who answered the survey are mostly between 49 and 70 years of age. 73% of the respondents are female, 27% are male.

Average working week of 33 hours

Employees work 33 hours per week on average.

38% of primary school teachers fewer than 5 years of work experience

In most cases, people in this job report that the majority of their coworkers are female. Workers who do not have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, added up to 99% of respondents. People in this job mostly work in organisations consisting of 500 or more people. Since starting their first job, 38% of workers have worked fewer than 5 years. Workers who have a permanent contract for the work they are performing, add up to 1%.

The survey shows that 1% of the workers in this occupation feel highly dissatisfied about their position. On the whole, employees feel satisfied about their job. This feeling is shared by 59% of the employees.

Of all surveyed workers in this occupation, 27% feel in between satisfied and dissatisfied about their salary. 52% of the workers in this occupation reports to be satisfied with their wage.

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