Australian Prime Minister earns more than ten times the national minimum wage

28 May 2021 - Australian Prime Minister earns more than ten times the national minimum wage

27 May 2021 - The Australian Prime Minister earns more than ten times the national minimum wage per week. The national minimum wage in Australia is $753.80 (Australian Dollars) per week. In comparison, the weekly pay of Prime Minister Scott Morrison is $9,395.04, more than ten times the national minimum wage. 

There exists a considerable wage gap between workers in different industries. Minimum wages per week are calculated as 4.33 times the hourly wage if it is defined. This minimum wage varies based on the age of the worker, years of schooling and more. A special national minimum wage is given to workers with disabilities, where their disability affects their productivity. MyWage collects information about wages from various industries worldwide to provide you with accurate data regarding minimum wage and more. Find out more about minimum wages in Australia

