Insurance representatives

Insurance representatives advise on and sell life, accident, automobile, liability, endowment, fire, marine and other types of insurance to new and established clients.

Skill level: Skilled

Check your Pay

  • The majority of Insurance representatives earn a salary between ₦25,645 and ₦75,495 per month in 2024.
  • A monthly wage for entry-level Insurance representatives ranges from ₦25,645 to ₦61,020.
  • After gaining 5 years of work experience, their income will be between ₦24,654 and ₦55,159 per month.

Job Responsibilities

  • Obtaining information about customers’ circumstances necessary to determine appropriate type of insurance and conditions
  • Negotiating with customers to determine type and degree of risk for which insurance is required
  • Explaining details of insurance and conditions, risk coverage premiums and benefits to customers
  • Assisting clients to determine the type and level of coverage required, calculating premiums and establishing method of payment
  • Negotiating and placing reinsurance contracts
  • Advising on, negotiating terms for and placing insurance contracts for large or special types of projects, installations or risks