Filing and copying clerks

Filing and copying clerks file correspondence, cards, invoices, receipts, and other records in alphabetical or numerical order or according to the filing system used. They locate and remove material from file when requested and photocopy, scan or fax documents.

Skill level: Semi-skilled

Check your pay

  • The majority of Filing and copying clerks earn a salary between €1,893 and €4,290 per month in 2024.
  • A monthly wage for entry-level Filing and copying clerks ranges from €1,893 to €3,105.
  • After gaining 5 years of work experience, their income will be between €1,983 and €3,274 per month.

Salary Check

Job Responsibilities

  • Sorting or classifying materials according to guidelines such as content, purpose, user criteria, or chronological, alphabetical, or numerical order
  • Filing material in drawers, cabinets and storage boxes
  • Locating and remove materials from files when requested
  • Keeping records of materials filed and removed
  • Photocopying, scanning or faxing documents

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