Commuting and Work

Commuting and Work in Ethiopia, Commuting and Payment in Ethiopia, Am I Paid When I Travel To and From Work in Ethiopia?, Travel and Salaries and more on Mywage Ethiopia

What is commuting time?

Commuting time is the time spent travelling from home to one’s work place and back again.

Do labour laws cover commuting time in Ethiopia?

According to Ethiopian labour law, a worker is expected to work eight hours per day.
This is the time the worker actually must be at work and payment is made for it. Generally, commuting time is not covered by the labour laws.

Does commuting time form part of working hours?

The commuting time is not part of working hours, and is not paid.

Are there any exceptions for paid commuting hours?

The laws are silent. It is not mandatory to pay.The issue is usually determined by bargaining between the employer and employee, by HR policy or by an employment contract .

If a worker has an accident during his/her travel from home to workplace or vice versa all medical expenses and compensations would be covered by the employer.

Based on a collective agreement, some organisations provide transport services for their workers either as a group or individually.

What if the commuting time takes more than a working day?
Since it is not part of the normal working hours, whatever time a worker spends, he/she is not paid.

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