Securities and finance dealers and brokers

Securities and finance dealers and brokers buy and sell securities, stocks, bonds and other financial instruments, and deal on the foreign exchange, on spot, or on futures markets, on behalf of their own company or for customers on a commission basis. They recmmend transactions to clients or senior management.

Skill level: Skilled

Job Responsibilities

  • Obtaining information about the financial circumstances of customers and companies in which investments may be made
  • Analyzing market trends for securities, bonds, stocks and other financial instruments, including foreign exchange
  • Informing prospective customers about market conditions and prospects
  • Advising on and participating in the negotiation of terms for, and organization of, loans and placement of stocks and bonds in the financial market to raise capital for customers
  • Recording and transmitting buy and sell orders for securities, stocks, bonds or other financial instruments and for foreign exchange for future or immediate delivery