Living Wages

A Living Wage is essential for a decent standard of living. Find out what your Living Wage should be in your region and in your country.

Minimum Wages

Did you know Sierra Leone has a government-mandated minimum wage? Wage Indicator reports that no worker in Sierra Leone can be paid less than the government-mandated minimum pay rate. Employers in Sierra Leone who fail to pay the minimum wage may be subject to punishment by the government of Sierra Leone. Learn more about Minimum Wages in Sierra Leone

What should you earn?

Have you ever wondered whether you're being compensated fairly? WageIndicator offers an excellent tool for this! If you complete our pay survey on work and wages in Sierra Leone, we can provide you with a salary indication that will serve as a guide for you to compare your current pay. Take the survey here

Economic Facts

  • Sierra Leone is rich in mineral deposits, especially diamonds, and has long relied on mining and mining exports to fuel its economy. It is also known worldwide for its blood diamonds which were mined and sold for weapons during the country’s violent civil war. Learn more about wages of mining labourers in Sierra Leone
  • Radios are very popular in Sierra Leone! Not many people of Sierra Leone know how to read, so radios come in handy to follow everyday news and information. About 85% of people can access radios, while 72% listen to them daily. Find out the salaries of people working in the radio industry using Mywage’s Salary Check
  • Sierra Leone has an abundance of mineral resources. Ever wondered which resource is it particularly famous for? Diamonds! Sierra Leone also extracts bauxite and titanium on a large scale apart from diamonds. Do you work in the mining industry? Use the Mywage Salary Check feature to compare your salary with others 
  • Only 2% of the population in Sierra Leone has access to clean, readily available drinking water, and most households lack basic sanitation. A 1.5 litre water bottle costs Le 10,000 in Sierra Leone. Basic facilities like electricity, water, etc cost approximately Le 10,00,000 monthly. Take our Cost of Living survey 